467 TORX® HF Отвёртка с Т-образной рукояткой, с фиксацией, TX 7 x 100 мм, с дополнительным коротким рабочим концом

  • 1 635 руб.

  • Последняя цена (на момент наличия)

  • T-handle screwdriver: The ideal handle shape to allow high torque transmission in difficult tightening and loosening situations.
  • The ergonomic shape of the handle fills the palm of the hand well, the fingers lie safely in the soft rounded handle recesses.
  • The whole hand makes contact with the handle and friction losses between the hand and the handle are avoided.
  • With holding function (HF) to securely hold the hexagon socket screw on the tool.
  • Special surface treatment of the blades for high corrosion protection and an optimum fit in the screw head.
  • 467 HF T-handle Torx screwdriver with holding function, 100mm long.

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